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Blossom Magazine & Rewrite The Stars Review-Summer Contest

Visual Art and Creative Writing Prompts Written by our Art Director, Carísa Chavez

Visual Art Prompts


1. Create a piece of art that looks/feels like a "perfect" day to you.

2. Create a piece that describes your "safe space" or where you feel the most comfortable (this can be a real or fictional place.)

3. Create a piece of artwork that represents one of your favorite memories.

4. Create a short cartoon of a sequence of events in your life (the cartoon may include a linear structure with a beginning, middle, and end).



Creative Writing Prompts


1. Write what a "perfect" day would feel like to you.

2. Write a poem about one of your favorite things. (This can be your favorite song, color, movie, book, etc.)

3. Write a story about losing something. Did you ever find it? How did you feel about losing it? (This can be a real or fictional object or concept.)

4. Write a fictional story about a mythical creature.

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