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Valentines DAY
Written by our Director of Management, Olivia Robertson

February 14th. Everybody knows that date. It’s when chocolates and roses and teddy bears are exchanged, romantic candlelight dinners occur, and overall the holiday for any hopeless romantic ever. It's a classic human holiday. 


Valentine's day has been celebrated for centuries! In ancient Roman times, Romans would create a matchmaking lottery where young men drew young women's names from a jar. They would be paired together for the rest of the festival, and sometimes these “matches'' evolved into marriages! In the third century, Emperor Claudies II executed two men on two different dates of February 14th (two different years). Both of these men were named Valentine and from there the name for our annual romantic holiday sprang. There are so many acts of love for this day. Heck, the Bronx Zoo lets people name a roach after their significant others! 


But when you aren’t in a romantic relationship, the day can be hard for some. While it often encourages a spirit of romantic passion, it often fails to recognize those without a special someone in their life, which can cause feelings of loneliness and a decrease in self esteem for those without a boo. But it's important to remember that Valentine's Day is about love as a whole, not exclusively the romantic type! Love for your friends, for your family, and most importantly, love for yourself. Here are fourteen  ideas and ways that you can show love to yourself and practice self care this fourteenth!: 


First, let's define what “self-care” actually is. The term is thrown around so commonly nowadays that sometimes it’s easy to forget what it actually means! The National Institute of Mental Health defines self care as: “taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical and mental health”. In simpler words, self-care is an act of kindness to yourself that makes you feel good! Self-care can be something as basic as watching an episode of your favorite TV show or taking a walk outside. In this article, we’re going to discuss small acts of self-care you can practice on Valentines (and any other time) to focus on yourself and lean away from the romantic undertones of the holiday. 


1)Spa night! Face masks, lip scrubs, cucumber slices, the whole shebang! Nothing says “I love myself” like taking good care of your skin. You can even spend time in a bubble bath, and use body scrubs/oils to feel like a new you. 


2) Move your body! Exercise is essential to mental health. Research shows that regular exercises can improve serotonin levels significantly, raising your mood and energy levels. Try out a new form of exercise this fourteenth - pilates, yoga, a spin class! Whatever makes you feel good. 


3)Cook a fulfilling meal. A full stomach is always a good thing, especially when the food is made with love. (see what i did there). This february, cook or bake your favorite dish, whether that’s plain old spaghetti or a cultural dish of your grandmother’s recipe. 


4) Re-engage in a hobby or activity you love. Is there something you used to do all the time, and really enjoyed, but now never have the time for? Well, February fourteenth is the time. Whether it’s painting, drawing, writing, or something else, make the time to reinvest in that side of yourself-you loved it for a reason.


5) Spend some money on yourself. They say money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy 


6) Make a self-love playlist/vision board - reimagine the way you see yourself! 


7) Journal, take time to reflect. Make a list of all the things you love about yourself, and even traits you’re learning to love! Appreciate yourself as you deserve to be;)


8)Connect with your inner child. Was there something you yearned to do when you were younger, but never got the chance? Laser tag, perhaps? Order one of those smores pizzas from Pizza Hut? Whatever it is, take the time to connect with that side of yourself. 


9)Practice some self-love with a photoshoot. Set up your phone and set a timer, then find a pose you feel confident in, and smile! (psst! Golden hour is the best time for one of these!)


10) Embrace the outdoors! Getting outside to meet with friends, spend time with your family, or have some alone time for yourself is important. Research shows that people who engage with nature report greater emotional and physical wellbeing. Take a walk without headphones in, you never know you might find it! 


11) Spend some time with animals! Whether it’s your own pet or a dog you see on the street, take a minute to pet a furry friend(with permission of course). 


12) Plan something fun for yourself! Whether it’s a full fledged vacation or a weekend getaway, take the time to invest in your future and create something you can look forward to.


13) Revisit your favorite movies and tv shows in one big marathon. Settle down on the couch with a huge bag of candy they sell at every department store and enjoy! (Bonus points if you avoid watching a romance, because  who needs that?!)

14) Go through your “favorites” album on your phone. Appreciate your favorite memories and how you captured them on camera!

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